Saturday, November 10, 2012


So tonight I made a hot pot for dinner...

The whole day Steve was being a total asshole, kept asking me to clean things and
when I asked him to do stuff (like make rice) he would say "your not worth it"
and I was like WTF plus he was pinching and slapping me
(not hard but hard enough to kind of hurt) the whole day (on the arms and legs).

So when dinner rolled around I was already sleepy, I woke up at 6AM and I wasn't hungry or anything and Steve kept bitching to me about how he was hungry and he kept bitching to me
"make dinner, I'm hungry" bleeeeh so then I got up and made this weird hot pot thing LOL.

When I finished I went in the room and he was totally passed out on the bed but he got up to eat.
I didn't make him any dipping sauce (soy sauce and peanut butter with some hoisin lol) cause I figured he can do that himself, I fucking made dinner its the least he can do. Then he tried to steal mine and I told him to make his own and he threw his chopsticks and stormed off.


He then said "How am I suppoed to know how to make the sauce!" and I said to him
"if you are going to act like a child and not ask politely then you don't deserve to eat"
he didn't say anything and now he's just sitting in the living room by himself reading lol.
I ended up throwing out a HUGE pot of noodles, tofu, sliced beef and pork, baby corn,
and enoki mushrooms, what a waste.

Woo the beginnings of an abusive relationship.

My friend told me my life is turning into the movie Enough (that movie with Jennifer Lopez, where her husband is a police officer and she gets physically abused) which now I can see, thank god he moves soon.

Another friend of mine warned me that if I date a Korean guy I should make sure he's not abusive because they have a reputation of being abusive. Boy am I lucky right?

I really think he would make the worst cop, he's too hot headed, impulsive and has a huge temper plus he could never take care of himself without someone there, when he moves out he'll have his mom or a room mate.

He'd probably a good soldier but not a good police officer.

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