Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Back Home

Oh god that was the longest car ride of my whole entire life.
My mom is so fucking psycho, I have no idea what the fuck is going on in that mind of hers but I think its happening in my dad's as well.

I haven't been home in almost like two weeks and my mom is going on about how my cousin Tiffany is so much better than me and how she's so good to her mother. I'm like she's only good to her mother because her mother doesn't shit talk about her daughter behind her back nor does she belittle her in front of other people. Plus she has had a way better upbringing unlike mine, I'm sure if our home situations switched I would actually love my parents.

If my mom was home all day to cook and clean for me and help me do homework and teach me things I would probably love her. Unlike mine who would leave me and Ashley in the car for a few hours in a parking lot casino to gamble, steal my lucky red pocket money I would get during Chinese New Year or start calling me a slut at 10 years old for going to my friends birthday/slumber party because she didn't want to waste money buying them a birthday gift. My dad thinks she's still a good mom, I said no and he got mad at me and said I don't know what I'm talking about, if your adult child tells you your mom is fucked up maybe you should listen to them instead of doing whatever is convenient for you.

I really do resent my cousins. They were just given so much compared to me and my sister I find it really unfair, I really do not believe in god if he would give children to such despicable people. My dad is not much better I guess they do rub off on each other, he should've divorced my mom years ago but he said to me "if we had divorced you guys would be messed up because you wouldn't have two parents" O_O BLARGHARGHGHHGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It pisses me off when people say to me "you should be nice to your mom/treat your mom better" and I'm like yeah yeah... but I feel like they have no fucking right to say that. Its easy to tell people to do that because you don't have to fucking deal with it. Your not the one living with someone who would break into your room and steal money or stuff and destroy your expensive clothes. Its easier just to say shit but if you don't have experience first hand about what I'm talking about then I'm not going to fucking listen to you.


In other news I have to go back to the states again soon because me and Ashley are going to Hawaii :D I'm excited to go but not excited to at the same time because I'm so body conscious I have low self esteem because I've gained weight >.< *sigh* have to start to work out, no bikini photos! LOL

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