Saturday, October 26, 2013

Juju Cosmetics: Aloe Cleanser, Toner & Moisturizer

Aiya.. I thought I would post more often but I guess not.. but I guess here is something to hold you over for a while :P lol

I stopped using Skinfood's Peach Sake line because I am running out of it and I kind of want to save it for days where I go out and wear makeup and want a non oily face. Otherwise when I go to school and stuff I don't really care about how I look that much since I'm only there for a few hours.


My new day routine

Back in July I bought these products from Sasa

I'm finally getting around to using these products now since its cooler out and my skin is starting to get dry particularly on my nose and cheeks.

The Cleanser

Since its a gel cleanser it is clear. Its not a creamy foamy cleanser but it does foam up a little bit. Its unscented and surprisingly not as moisturizing as I would like it to be.

Clear gel

Moisture Aloe Toner (Smooth)

This clear toner is alright it does provide pretty good moisture for this time of year. It is unscented and absorbs quickly. All in all an alright cleanser.

Aloe Moisturizer

This is a pretty heavy moisturizer for me surprisingly. I feel like this weighs down my face for some reason, don't get me wrong this is a good moisturizer but for people with oily skin I don't think it benefits my skin that much. After maybe an hour or two my skin will feel oily >.< and for some reason when I get oily I look tanner... lol

Overall I don't think I would buy these products again but at least I gave them a shot. These are super affordable so why not give it a try?

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Friday, October 4, 2013

September Updates

I finally got a new phone!!!

Well.. technically not lol, Steve got a new phone off craigslist (Samsung Galaxy S4) and he gave me his old Iphone 4S! I can actually use Instagram again!! I want the new Samsung Galaxy Note 3!! T_T but I'm poor.. super sad lol.

So sorry about the lack of updates, I wouldn't have thought that school would keep me this busy.. lol.  I  got a wind burn on my lips earlier this month >.< and they were all puffy and red and irritated! I was super pissed off about it! It was so flippin embarrassing to have it too because everyone stares at it. I went out to London Drugs the other day to pick up some Vaseline (Steve told me it helped when he had a windburn a long time ago) and I had a choice between a super monster tub for $5 and a super tiny one for $2... I ended up getting the $2 and I'm pretty sure people at school would be like wtf if I showed up with a big tub of Vaseline lol.

Lips nice and wind burned
thanks nature..

I'm really regretting taking that Mandarin class lol, I mean I like the class and all but its just at a super inconvenient time >.< class starts at 6:30pm ends at 8:30pm and then it takes me like an hour and 15 minutes to get home plus there's like a three hour gap between my two classes and I don't know what to do with myself half of the time. When I signed up I thought it would only be an hour class.. boy was I wrong! lol

Man! Steve's mom should never have taken this course, she makes me do all her stupid work! She'll write her shit down in really crappy english (she took university english classes like WTF! she can't even form a simple sentence!) to the point where I have to re-write the whole damn thing and its SUPER FRUSTRATING especially when I have my own school work to do and usually she asks me to do it the day before a fucking test and she gets SUPER bitchy when I don't do it for her.

I've been so exhausted lately, school is really draining my energy T_T I just wish I went to a school that was much closer but that aint happenin! lol


I was craving ramen SO BAD! So we went to Kintaro Ramen on Denman street ^__^ it was soo goooood!! lol I was gonna order the cheese ramen but then I ended up getting the spicy one.

Why yes that is a massive ball of garlic on top lol
This was really good ramen but holy smokes did it make me gassy lol

Steve got this
I guess its more traditional? Not sure which one he got but it was good

 Massive bowls!

I love gyoza!

If you're visiting Vancouver you gotta check this place out! Warning though they have long lines sometimes.

I guess its a short update, I don't expect the next few months to be any more exciting that what I've posted lol mainly because of school. I'll probably post up things that I purchase and have tried.. lol

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