Sunday, June 30, 2013

100th Post!

Woohooo! This is my 100th Post!

How do I want to commemorate this? By bitching out!


So the school sent me an email telling me that I can register for my program classes at noon on the 27th of June. I logged in at 11:45AM to see if I can access it and it locked me out saying to come back later, So I was like ok I guess I'll have to come back at noon. I come in at 12 on the dot and ALL THE CLASSES ARE FULL. So I'm fucking waitlisted! I'm like WHAT THE FUUUCK?!!?!??!

Here's the problem with this schools registration program: They will let anyone register for anything as long as you meet the prerequisites.

So technically I don't even have to take Kinesiology classes I can take Nutrition classes or business classes. What I should have done was to register for something totally random and then have an earlier registration time then take the classes I want like really WHAT THE HELL!? Why let someone registered for something else take someone elses seat in the class they want?! I'm literally like position 50 in almost all the classes I signed up for and I only get offered a seat when my position is at 0, so basically there are 50 people ahead of me for one fucking class.

On top of that there are some pre-reqs I don't have for certain classes and if I take this one test I won't have to do a certain course which is like $90.

I go ask my dad for $90 and he's like "no, go ask Steve" its like really? FUCK YOU. He's always said "oh I'll pay for your school so you don't have to worry" and then I ask him for fucking $90 and he says no... and he looked at me like I just killed his family.

Well like what the fuck am I going to do when September drops if I can't get into the courses I want? almost everything is full >.< and fuck that I don't want to work.

Rant over lol.


Second Rant Begins.

So we got a new renter who seems like a really nice girl from the UK so she has like no furniture or anything. So She just asked if it was possible to get a bigger bed so I was like that shouldn't be a big deal we have tons upstairs and they're not all being used. So today me and Steve decide to move the bed and my parents FREAKED THE FUCK OUT. They're like "NO! THAT'S OUR BED! WE NEED IT!" Really? You don't even use that bed and nobody ever wants to stay here.

Basically what they mean is give them the shittiest furniture and other used goods because they can't afford to have their own house -___-' like seriously wtf why even rent, not only that this house is FULL of garbage, if I could afford to pay people to come here and throw out all the useless unnecessary furniture and other garbage I would but I can't cause I'm poor lol.

So then they went on a rampage saying that I'm: a bad daughter, lazy, useless, stupid, mentally disabled, etc.. my mom then asks Steve's mom to make some tea and my mom says to her "I look at her face and her mind and she's no good" I'm like are you fucking kidding? Who says that about their own kid?

I hope to god that she fucking dies soon my dad too and I know how some people will say "if your parents die you'll miss them" and all that bullshit and I'm going to say umm.. NO thanks but no thanks I don't think I'll miss verbal abuse.

Do you know what my favorite thing my mom ever said me was? When I was 12 and I wanted to go sleep over at my friends house for their birthday party my mom said "Why do you want to go sleep there? You just want to have sex with their dad don't you because you want to be a prostitute" Ahh preteen memories. And she asks Steve's mom why Ashley and I don't like her... seriously.

My parents, are just pieces of garbage. I wish when me and Ashley were little we were adopted by real parents instead of having these idiots raise us.

Are your parents similar or worse? How do you deal with them? Let's start a support group lol.

What a way to commemorate 100 posts lol I actually wanted to do something more interesting but this hasn't been a good week and I just had to bitch out lol, so I guess I'll save it for the next post.

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