Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Acne Story

Holy smokes my skin has broken out pretty bad lately. I haven't seen my skin like this in like 10 years o.O When I was a teenager I had HORRIBLE acne. There wasn't a place on my face where there were no pimples, seriously and nothing I used helped it. I started breaking out when I was 13/14 and it was really sudden and really bad. Prior to that I never used skincare products until I had acne which gets me to thinking, what age did you start using skincare products? I think bad acne runs in our family because Ashley used to have pretty bad acne when we were young but it wasn't as bad as mine, plus some of our cousins have pretty bad acne too.

It also didn't help when every Chinese auntie or my mom's stupid Vietnamese friends would point to my skin and be like "Your not washing your face enough!" or tell me how bad my skin is >.< YOU DON'T THINK I KNOW!? FUCK lol. I also hated it when my mom would randomly make some gross soup and be like "drink this, it'll make your skin clear you're too Yeet Hay" I drank it once and it tasted like crap lol and never drank it ever again apparently her soups cure cancer now LOL.

For those who don't know what Yeet Hay is I'll give you the jist of it, the literal translation is "hot air" and a lot of my cousins don't believe in it, what it means is that if you eat too much sugary or greasy/fat foods you will have too much hot air in your body and your skin will break out. I believe in it to some extent but my mom also says that if you don't wear a coat/jacket then cold air will get into your stomach and then you will die from cancer -___-' so.. some of it I don't believe in lol. Maybe some of you Cantonese people will understand lol.

By the time I was 15/16 years old my skin had started to clear because I was using proactive which I used for many years but it always left my skin oily. It was this year when I stopped using proactive all together I used only the repairing lotion and a whole bunch of other random products with it.

I'm not really surprised I broke out but it pisses me off LOL. I've been exposing my skin to a lot of dirt/dust and cooking oil lately. I cleaned the house REALLY WELL the other day so a lot of stuff has been flinging up into the air and I still have to scrub the crap out of the floor lol.

I'm doing a little experiment to see if any of the products I use in the next few days can clear them up for me. My skin is also super oily right now too -___-' This is what my skin literally looked like when I was in Korea for the first week (due to the heat/humidity/pollution) and it also looked like this in Hawaii too, heat and humidity is not good for my skin.

My skin broke out last night really unexpectedly too (hence the pictures above). During the day it was fine a few blemishes here and there but later on in the evening my skin felt really oily and felt sensitive (slightly burning) so I went to look at it in a mirror and I was like OMG WTF my whole forehead had small pimples everywhere and I had a few large pimples too >_< I brushed my teeth and washed my face as well as exfoliated with the St. Ives apricot scrub and used my regular skincare routine but my skin still felt oily >.<

This is 12 hours after the first few pictures
tried to get a photo with goodish lighting but ended up blinding myself LOL

The next day I went to the gym to work out and I also drank tons of water and green tea. I have to admit I don't drink water/green tea as much as I should but it never has really effected my acne anyways. Food doesn't really affect my skin that much anyways but I do think that green tea does help my skin quite a bit.

I didn't change my regular skincare routine the next day (morning) either cause I figured my skin is overly oily anyways the Skin Food Peach Sake line makes my skin matte and less oily so it should help a little. That night I was contemplating whether or not I should use a clay mask or a aloe pack mask for my skin. Ended up using the aloe pack mask :D which helped loads. By then most of the little pimples had almost disappeared anyways but still had a few of the bigger blemishes >.<


Anyways my skin has basically cleared :D it only took 4 days >.< lame! lol but I was surprised on how fast the small little pimples disappeared, basically like a day!

Some blotchiness but its mostly clear now

We're going to visit Ashley this weekend ^__^ I wish I wasn't so broke though so I can buy some stuff lol but Steve said he has to go back at some point to get wheels or something because the store that he was going to get them from didn't hold them and sold them so they have to order them again and it'll take like a week >.< and I get to see TRIXIE! (Ashley's Yorkshire terrier lol)

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