Sunday, December 15, 2013

Here we go again!

So we've been going back and forth about going to the states. I got the Ok from Steve on Friday about us going today and then this morning his fucking mom decides (last minute) that she wants a bunch of shit done and she's so fucking stupid she can't do it her fucking self so she has to make Steve do it. And of course the little puppet is doing what it is told and he wants to leave early to deal with his mom's stupid bullshit.

She knew full well that we are leaving today, she could have mentioned this shit yesterday, or the day before. Nope, she has to spring it up last minute because I guess her little mind processed the fact that she was going to be alone for a few days and she couldn't handle that.

I mentioned in August that his mom was getting pissed off because I wanted to visit my sister and since she wanted to go shopping in the states we might as well go for a visit, she absolutely, unequivocally knew that I won't be able to see her until December and Steve promised me that we would come down now.

Steve and I argued through text messages about why we have to come back early for the simple errands she can do herself and he told me "you won't understand because its a cultural thing" HOW IS IT A CULTURAL THING? EVEN MY KOREAN FRIENDS AT SCHOOL TOLD ME THIS IS ABNORMAL!!!!! and I understand full well your mom is incapable of doing anything beneficial for your family now, its official. Its no wonder why his fathers side of the family absolutely hates her, she contributes nothing but reaps the rewards.

She leaves to Korea on Thursday (hope she gets murdered) and the plan was to stay at Ashley's place till Wednesday morning, like fuck we literally see his mom everyday, Steve does everything for her everyday, HE DID HER FUCKING HOMEWORK FOR HER YESTERDAY! And he went to the store to get a duplicate receipt for her laptop that she lost and did her fucking banking, while she did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

How does she expect to care for geriatric patients when she can't even figure out youtube? or google?

Her view on homosexuality is absolutely horrid. She is extremely uneducated when it comes to homosexuality and sex. She said to me "Do all gay people have HIV?" "They're all mentally retarded right?" "they must have a mental condition" "does his dick not work?" "if you have anal sex you automatically get HIV right?" I was absolutely shocked when I heard these words spoken out of her mouth, she seriously flipped out when she found out Anderson Cooper was gay. When she told me all this I told Steve "your mom is absolutely ignorant when it comes to sex and homosexuality and we need to educate her" and he said to me "all Koreans think like that so whatever leave her alone" (<--WRONG!) and then she asks me to ask my homosexual friend's mom to help her get a job when she graduates, umm no fuck you, he owes you nothing especially after basically saying that he's mentally retarded.


Every week since she started school its "amanda can you edit this for me?" or "can you write this for me?" and "can you read this and tell me what it means?" and she knows that I go to school full time for ACTUAL CREDITS THAT COUNT FOR SOMETHING not for some stupid program that finishes in 4 months with a practicum that is full of people who don't speak or write english well. Grades don't matter in this class she's taking, they're passing this girl that has failed every single exam that should be getting 20% So yeah I don't think it really matters if I edit her crap or not. If I don't do it, Steve ends up doing it.

So basically its like why even go to school if your not willing to do the work? She paid Steve $100 to do her 6 page project on elder abuse and I'm guessing that she didn't learn anything about that. She's like "I got an A" on random projects we did and its like no you didn't we did lol.

Basically we're leaving a day early now, which is fine I wanted to leave on Wednesday (the more time we can spend away from her the better) but a day early is better than nothing and really its not like Steve likes his mom at all, he even told me that. They don't get along, they barely talk to each other unless she wants him to do/give her something and they pretty much have nothing in common besides the fact that they are related. But he insists that he's the son and he has to do these things because its the Korean way and my friends at school (who are Korean) counter-argued that and said that they are the eldest sons and even their mothers don't do these things.

I have a feeling plans will change again real soon, will keep this updated as things progress throughout the day.

I hope to god Karma gets her.

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