Saturday, February 9, 2013

Interesting Search

Sorry for the lack of updates
I've been quite busy with school and getting Steve ready to go to Calgary.
Plus Steve's mom leaves on Wednesday! PARTY TIMMEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

I was looking through my stats a few days ago and I noticed somebody searched:
"How to fuck a Japanese tourist in ha...."
either Hawaii or Hanauma bay which I thought was pretty amusing.

I'm pretty sure its a guy who searched that lol. Plus I don't think many single Japanese girls would fly there with friends to party and sleep with guys, most girls I saw were with their families or their boyfriends.. lol, so good luck to you whoever searched that.

 Hello to you! whoever searched that!

I guess I should limit my swearing on this blog.. lol and if you didn't know yes you can see that stuff apparently, no worries though! I don't know who you are :)


In other news my skin has been breaking out lately and I'm trying out one of the new sheet masks I bought from T & T and so far its niccceeeee! not sure how the final result will be but I like a good sheet mask! makes my skin feel so refreshed!


Steve is back from Calgary, didn't do too well with his job interview process >.< but I told him he'll have other opportunities anyways. I got out of school at 6:15 today (usually 6:30) and he told me his flight would arrive at 8:04 so I figured that by the time I took the skytrain to the airport and got a coffee/tea he would arrive. He sent me the itinerary and when I looked at it in the email it said his flight arrived at 10:04 and I was like WTF. So I waited like 3 hours for him at the airport. I was super GRUMPY -___-'

I don't think I've been in an airport for that long and not actually go somewhere >.< I WANT TO TRAVEL SOOOOON! Most of my friends are traveling to Asia this summer and I WANT TO GO TOOOOO but I'm so broke!!!!!!!!! T__T but I don't like traveling when its hot out anyways, I would prefer to go during Spring/Fall/Winter ^__^ I definitely prefer the colder climates than the warmer ones, my sensitive skin can't handle hot weather. Vancouver is a fun place in the summer not so much any other time of the year.

Poo maybe I will wait till winter rolls around probably go to Japan/Korea in the winter! :D I like bundling up.

Do you have travel plans?

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