Thursday, July 23, 2015

Steve's Dad

I don't really know much about this guy, besides the things that Steve has told me and also what Steve's mom has told me.

His dad arrives today from Seattle and the plan is for him to come and live in Canada.


Well.. he hasn't lived here in over 5 years (that's when me and Steve started dating) and he doesn't seem to have an interest in living here:

He can't speak english
He has no friends here
His whole family is in Korea besides his wife and children
He doesn't want to work here
Didn't have the effort or the interest to retain his permanent residence to begin with

From what I was told his dad is coming because he got into trouble with the law in Korea. He ran a PC room and in the back he had an illegal gambling ring and he was caught more than once for having it.

He got arrested and Steve's mom went back a few months ago to hire a lawyer to bail him out and basically paid a hefty fee ($50,000) to wipe it all from his record.

That's what basically set the gears in motion for him to come and live in Canada, otherwise he wouldn't have come if that didn't happen. I guess because the rest of the family found out about it, but not sure about his friends.


Steve was originally going to go pick up his dad at the airport but since his mom and dad plan on lying to the CBSA about why he's coming back and his status as a permanent resident, Steve decided not to go because it'll hurt his chance in becoming a police officer in the future. So his mom and sister are going.

Its funny, they're such a secretive family, they really think people are judging them 24/7 and I can tell how it affects their relationships with friends (from what they tell people to what their conversations are about, its never personal). Steve would get mad when I keep secrets and shit from him about my family but when it comes to his, its a serious matter *rolls eyes* double standards...

I know that when his dad gets here I'm totally not going to get along with him, he's too conservative and he's as self righteous as Steve's mom and sister.

So! I'm avoiding Steve at all costs at this point, I really started thinking about where this relationship was headed when we were in Hawaii. Steve just really wants to get his family's approval before he can move on with his life, its fucked.

They're the type of family that gets what they want so I know the border agents are gonna let them through with little to no questioning, I know it. Plus, since they paid to keep his dad's record clean, he will get in and I highly highly doubt the border services will find out.

So corrupt...

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