Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day

So... mother's day is over, its not like we really celebrate it anyways.. at least at my house.
Its a constant reminder of how much I hate my mom and how evil never dies lol.

If some of you have read some of my random posts about my family you'll know that Ashley and I have a horrible relationship with our mom, we just hate her... I'll explain in a bit if you don't already know.

I thought of doing something for Steve's mom (just like cheap flowers or something lol) but she went out with her friends so w/e don't give a shit lol.


Now a back story

Since we were little our mom treated us like shit.

She was supposed to pick us up from school when we were like in Kindergarten and grades 1-5 but most of the time she would be at the casino and she'd forget about us. I remember having to walk home from school at like 6 years old (ashley was 8) by ourselves because we waited for her at the school till like 5pm. By that time basically all the teachers went home, I guess people assumed we lived close by or something because we would just play at the playground, otherwise, I'm sure someone would've taken us home instead of leaving little girls under the age of 10 alone. We walked home by ourselves (we literally had to walk 45 minutes to get to our house) Worst part of it all was when we got home we either had no keys because our parents couldn't trust us with them (we had to wait hours for our mom to get home) or our mom was home and she would say "oh I totally forgot about you" like it was nothing. I know some kids can walk home at such a young age but most have nannies or babysitters to pick up your kids after class and it also depends on how far away the school and house are.

I remember shutting my finger in a car door when I was in grade 1 when I was getting out of the car and she yelled at me and said that I was stupid (I was a 6 year old kid, folks) and she didn't take me to see the school nurse or anything she just drove off and left to let the school take care of it (got more stories like this, should start a blog series on them lol)

When we hit middle school I think that's when we realized how big of a psychopath she really was and our relationship separated even further. I had a few "close" friends in middle school and we'd have sleep overs quite often (better than being at home). Eventually our mom would be like "you're only going to sleep at your friends house because you want to have sex with their dad because you're a slut" .... yeah this started when I was like 13 years old, I had it worse off than Ashley (I think... lol gonna have to ask her) and it was about the time when I would just stop listening to her because the shit she said was just plain stupid according to her: "if you don't wear a jacket and you breathe in the cold air, your stomach will absorb the cold air and you will develop cancer and die" LOL

When I stopped listening to her that's when she started saying that I was possessed by demons, I was a slut and I was a drug addict because apparently all white people do drugs so that's why I kept going over to my friends houses after school -___-' and I've never done drugs and didn't lose my virginity till I was in my 20's lol and I'm still with the same guy so yeah, I'm a slut lol. Not sure about the demon possession LOL :P

In High School we argued a lot, I went to my friends house a lot because his family understood what I was going through (his mom had a bad childhood too) stayed there overnight quite a bit (got accused of sleeping around when I left the house in anger but my friend is gay so w/e lol) I don't think Ashley ever went away like that but I did a lot.

fast forward to now and I barely talk to her and when we talk she asks the same stuff over and over or just puts me down. She knows that Steve's moving out with his stupid mom and she keeps saying to me "you know he's just going to find another girlfriend because why would he want you?" "he probably has another girl to sleep with" and when I counter argue (he's moving out cause his sister is moving back to the city and how would 4 people live in a 1 bedroom suite?) she would say "i know him better than you do" "you don't know him like I do" like wtf, really! I just want to punch her.


Anyways I hope most of you will understand why I hate mothers day and why I don't celebrate it.

Steve's mom is always like "you shouldn't tell people things like that, you should protect your mom" like I give a shit, I've tried to explain it to her so many times about how much I don't care about it and stuff but she doesn't understand, she knows these stories but she still thinks my mom is a great mom. Steve's mom is like a lot of Asian moms who think that because they gave birth to you and paid for your education etc... they're a great parent and you owe them and you owe them big.

If or when I break up with Steve, I never ever want to date a Korean or Asian person ever again unless their family is like whitewashed LOL and I will not let them meet my parents whatsoever.

Otherwise I hope you all had good mothers days LOL and realize how some or most of you are lucky to have a non-crazy mom... hopefully... lol

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