Saturday, February 21, 2015


Its been a while since I talked about Steve's family, I think... lol I haven't really read my blog posts in a while.

Round 1

The past few months especially have been the weirdest. Steve's mom wanted to buy a house a few months ago, she freaked out because she thinks that its the only time she can get a house so she's been desperate trying to buy one in North Van.

When she was told that she can't get one because she doesn't make enough income she asked Steve's sister and him to be co-signers for the mortgage, it still wasn't enough and it didn't get approved.

So since it wasn't approved she is forcing them to move out of their current apartment, why? We don't really know why LOL we were like yeah you couldn't get a house - but it doesn't mean you have to move... its kind of illogical and an inconvenience for everyone that you live with.

They should really stop letting his mom make decisions for their family. She's too impulsive and she doesn't really think ahead about how it affects other people.

I'm kind of worried about Steve co-signing a mortgage with his mom and sister (I'm not the only one) because I kinda had a goal to get a place for us within like 5 years (like a townhouse or an apartment) but him co-signing a 15 year mortgage with 2 other people would be difficult for us to get a place one day.

Round 2

We thought since they didn't get approved his mom would stop looking at houses and actually look for a place to rent but nope!

The house they went to look at most recently is actually near my house and its a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom place and its a fixer upper (unfinished basement, roof needs replacing, flooring needs to be replaced), they want to renovate it and then sell it within 2 years.

They went and put an offer on that house and its about $679,000 for the house and the offer they put it was about $630,000? something like that and the owner of the house is refusing the offer because I guess they think the house is worth more? (its not lol) so they said $670,000 take it or leave it.

Final Round

So here is where it gets fucked up for me and my family. Instead of looking for a place to move into next month they were just looking at houses, why? Priorities? lol its like yeah you can put an offer on a house but you won't always be able to move into it right away. So Steve's mom wants to come back and live at our house (for 2-3 months) and the only person she asked was my mom. She didn't ask what me or my dad wants and the thing is our mom doesn't make household decisions like that.

Of course she would ask my mom because they get along and she knew my mom would say yes. I told Steve that NO WAY that I will let that happen it was just absolute hell when she lived here, the suite they used to live in isn't even available for them to rent so the only option is the tiny little room near the garage and it really isn't big enough for 2 people and a dog.

So I talked to Steve about how its definitely not going to work, I explained to him how last time his mom lived here the utility bills were so high and I said it wouldn't matter if she paid for it this time around because she's just too loud and inconsiderate and then adding his sister and the dog? its just not going to work. It'll work out for her but it'll stress the shit out of everyone else in the house.

I go on practicum soon and I don't want to be woken up at 5AM because she decided to call someone in Korea and put them on speaker phone so everyone can hear or us hearing her argue with his sister or Steve. Or hear Monet excessively barking.

Its just not going to work plain and simple, I explained it to him and he told his mom that it isn't going to work, her reaction? SUPER PISSED OFF she absolutely hates my dad even though I told Steve that it was mostly my decision. But you know, she should have said something months ago instead of last minute like she always does.

At the end of the day its like if she's making all these decisions for her family, why is it that she has to drag my family into it? I mean its not like me and Steve are fully committed (no ring on ma finger! lol) I'd probably be a little more ok with it if that were the case (probably not though LOL) and if our roles were reversed his mom would not help us in any way.

Plus it'd be beneficial for Steve to live away from his mom and sister. I don't know why they are so dependent on him... laziness? Probably.

At this point his mom is on her own agenda and because we're not doing what she wants, she's super pissed off and its time she deals with her problems like an adult. 


I knew Steve would pussy out about living in our house. His mom won't let him move out for the next 2-5 years because he has to help pay for the mortgage because they finally got a place in North Van (its a town house in East North Van)

All his friends are even like "WTF why are you getting a mortgage with your mom? Don't get one!" his answer? "I have no choice" ... REALLY! YOU CAN SAY NO, fucking idiot! he's too scared of his mom.

So if we got married and etc, then its really up to me to deal with the big expenses (like buying a property, etc) but he won't be allowed to live with me unless he is contributing to mortgage/rent cause wtf, really!

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