Monday, May 20, 2013

If You Jump I Jump

I swear to god Steve is so easily influenced by others! I want to punch him! He'll just do about anything if other people do it too. I told him to go commit mass suicide with some cult if he's going to be like that.

Every time I say something about it he gets all pissed off and says "I'm doing it because I want to, not because other people are doing it" well its like why didn't you think about it before? You never thought of this until all your other friends decided to do it, idiot.

Reason why I'm writing this? He wants a tattoo because his "friends" (more like acquaintances he hangs out MAYBE once every few months) decided that they want to get a memorial tattoo for their friend that passed away.

I get the meaning behind it but isn't there a better way than to tattoo your body? Especially if its for someone you barely hung out with as an adult.  They're acquaintances that only hung out when they ran into each other and then now he decides to get a memorial tattoo on his body for him, its like why? I get that he was like maybe? Best friends with this guy when he was younger but I wouldn't get a tattoo for my childhood friend if they passed away because it would not really have a meaning for me now, especially now that I don't know what is happening in their lives.

I told him to just start some sort of charity to help others and he said "his family doesn't want to" I would think that would have a more significant meaning than tattooing a freaking eagle on your leg. Plus I think it would help tons of people suffering from depression and psychosis.

I told him he barely hung out with the guy so wtf. He made the excuse of everyone being busy and that's why they never hang out... and that "you don't have to be best friends to get a tattoo for each other, maybe in your eyes you do" I was like if you try hard enough you can make the time instead of making stupid excuses. Steve only works 3 days a week, I'm pretty sure he can make time for AT LEAST one meal with his friends for the 4 days he has off to catch up and have fun. Apparently finding one day to hang out in three years is too hard...

Steve never mentioned this guy until he died. In the past almost 3 years he's never hung out with this guy not even once while we were dating. He only talked to him a few times because I worked beside him and he'd come visit the store every now and then to buy something.

I told him why didn't he get a tattoo for his grandpa then? They barely talked too just like his friend so wtf? he said that his friend was more like his brother/family than his grandpa to which I call bullshit to because they never communicated with each other or hung out!

Now if it was my best friend on the other hand yeah I would totally get a tattoo because I talk to him everyday, we connect well (since high school and into adulthood) and even if we don't get to hang out we call each other, I mean its not so hard to keep in contact with your friends (phone, text, facebook! like wtf!)

So I told him "So that means for every friend that dies you have to get a tattoo since it doesn't matter if you are best friends or not" his response: "yeah if my other friends are doing it" -____-' REALLY!?!??!


I guess its his choice and his body, I honestly think he would regret it, I just wish he would get something that would be more meaningful to him than to get one because his friends are doing it and honestly he says its for the memory of his friend but they weren't really friends the past few years so I think he shouldn't get it.

What are your thoughts? Do you think that its a good idea for him to get this tattoo?

He wants this without the Halo 4 logo
and a circle thing on top of the eagle in between the wings >.<
and on his calf

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