Thursday, August 1, 2013

Monet Update

Day 2 after accident.

The first night she had a lot of trouble breathing and had to get a chest tube put in. Its a good thing we brought her to the 24 hour Emergency clinic in Vancouver otherwise Steve's mom wanted to bring her home to see if she would just get better on her own (she would have died) the first 12 hours were pretty critical and we left the Emergency clinic at about 3AM.

At 9AM the clinic told us to phone them to get an update on Monet which we did. They said she was doing much better and they weren't taking a lot of air out of the chest tube like they when she came in and that it looks like that its healing on its own so that there was a high probability that she wouldn't need surgery but we couldn't rule it out yet.

The other major concern was her pelvis which was fractured too but wasn't a big issue at the time. They said that she'll probably need pelvic surgery which costs like $8000 (that's the surgery plus after care -___-') which them prompted Steve's mom to go look for alternative options because they didn't want to go through a finance company to get the funds for her surgeries and after care. She called her Korean friend who said that some random doctor on Davie St. was good just because he's Korean... yeah. Then we called them and they're not a 24 hour clinic so she'd have to be transferred back to the 24 hour place anyways there's no point stressing her out even more by moving her around too much.

Then she called her other friend who has their old dog, Heaven (that's the dogs name) Steve got that dog soon after he came to Canada and gave him away like 2 years ago because he moved into an apartment and they don't allow pets. Anyways I digress, the woman who now owns him said to go to the vet they take Heaven to which is like 45 minutes away from where she is staying at so transporting her would be hell but his mom made an appointment anyway -___-' which me and Steve ended up going to instead of her >.<

We went all the way to Surrey to visit this veterinarian only with Monet's medical files and x-ray and from what he could see all he said was that there have been cases where dogs had worse fractures than she had and they were bed ridden the whole time and got better without surgery. That alone probably saved them nearly $10,000

Later that night we went and visited Monet and we decided that another 24 hours at that medical clinic would probably be a good idea. We also had a short visit with her as well as got an update on what they have done and what they plan on doing.

 She looks super sad T_T
She usually has her ears pointed up and they also shaved part of her to put in the chest tube

She also barely ate and drank any water

So they told us that she did have a little rectal exam and they found blood in there and felt something sharp in there which could be part of her pelvic bone. They're not sure if a bone has ripped through her intestine but at the moment it doesn't appear it has but we're looking out for that. So another $1000 spent for another overnight -___-'


Day 3

She has made major improvements. It looks like everything is well for her chest and that her chest tube can come out tomorrow ^__^ but they're keeping it in overnight just to make sure. Her little IV thing can come out tomorrow as well, they were worried that her since its her first night home she may need to come back so they left the chest tube and the IV line in.

We went to the Vancouver Animal Emergency Clinic at around 4PM to pick her up and bring her to the family vet. The car ride sucked, she kept trying to get out of the little box they gave us lol. We got to the family vet by 5PM cause of stupid traffic (the fireworks happened last night)

 Looking much better right?
What a difference a day can do

Anyways at the vet they were all happy to see she was ok. They called her the "miracle dog" they didn't expect her to survive and they told us the things that we should look out for (like her breathing, gum color, blood in poop) they also wanted us to try to get her to eat but that hasn't happened yet.

So now we have to stay up all night to document her breathing every 2 hours and check her gums to make sure she is getting proper oxygen. Plus we have to give her medication every 8 and 12 hours (we got 3 different medicines to give her) poop but so far so good.

clunked out

She's slept most of the time she's been home and things are looking up for her. She has a pain patch on her that will continuously give her pain relief for like 3-5 days which is awesome! We will see what the doctors say tomorrow for her check up ^__^ but so far so good don't think there will be anymore trouble for tonight.

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*so my instagram is fucked at the moment because my phone is super messed up >.< will have to wait till i can update anything for now >.<

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