Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Lifestyle Changes

When I was young I was super skinny, it wasn't until I was in grade 9/10 when I started to gain weight. I wouldn't eat much at school because my mom would always give me crappy lunches that were half rotten. When I got home I would eat so much! it was usually noodles lol and then I would take a nap because I would have no energy from not eating all day and walking home >.< hence weight gain!

Right now I don't think I've ever been this fat in my whole entire life LOL. I'm 132 pounds and 5'1 O_O short people get chubby fast! lol the weird thing is that its only in my mid-section too... I would rather get fat all over so it looks even! I look fucking pregnant! LOL

A few months ago an old co-worker of mine ran into me and Steve and he pointed right to my stomach and said "boy or girl?" I was like WTF (yeah this guy has social problems, its one of the reasons why he got fired) but yeah that pissed me off! (he's like a 45 year old man)

Anyways since I've been at Ashley's place I've been losing some weight, Ashley and her husband have been going to the gym so much that now that I'm visiting I'm going with them, its good to have encouragement but I'm worried about when I go home what will I do then? lol

I guess my goal weight would be 100 pounds, so I have to lose about 30 pounds! O_O lol is that reasonable? I guess it would be for my height plus I want to tone up! let's see how it goes

 I guess it doesn't really help that I'm wearing sweats.. lol

Oh boy I need a haircut!

I guess a month from now I should show you guys some progress (or lack of progress)

It doesn't help when you have super hot Asian girl friends who are so slim and I'm the fat one out of the group O_O and none of them fucking work out either!! no fair! lol

I really want to start eating healthier too but we'll see how that goes, I really want a lifestyle change since my family is prone to getting diabetes it'll be good to have a healthy lifestyle anyways in case I do get it one day. I hope you guys can give me some good tips! and wish me luck! :D

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