Monday, November 12, 2012

Room Decor Plans!

I've been meaning to put up a outfit post, however I don't have any clothes that I really like right now, or season appropriate plus I'm broke ass broke LOL.

I'm probably going to order something soon though :D

Since I'm moving back upstairs soon O_O I'm trying to figure out what to do with the room.
I know I'm going to take everything out and put my queen size bed up there plus my desk which will take up most of the room.

The room is green right now but I'm considering painting it a different colour like a girly pastel colour.

I'm considering a peach pastel colour :D

This light yellow
Probably get some decal's too :D


I already have the bed and the desk and this weird drawer that I want to put in the closet with a glass top which I like a lot, good job parents! haha

The problem I had with that room before was that whenever I walked around in my room the floor would be squeaky and the person downstairs can hear me walking. So I'm thinking of getting this rug from Ikea!

Shazaam! I think I either want to get the black one or the white one

So before when I lived in the room before it would get really cold, I would have 3-4 blankets on the bed because it got really cold up there. 

When I started sleeping with Steve (O_O lol) I started using these SUPER AWESOME Korean blankets! They're not like western blankets which are really light and puffy. They're thick and heavy and REALLY REALLY soft. So I told him if he ever moved out I get the green one (which is the softest one lol. He said "no its mine!" bitch.. lol

This is what they look like

I don't know if they sell them anywhere in Vancouver or if there is anything similar to these available here but so far I can't find them but! I think I found them on Amazon O_O PLUS! I discovered amazon... screw ebay! LOL

I'm also trying to look for new roller blinds that will cover the whole window instead of buying two small ones to cover them. Hopefully I can find some that can block out sunlight too at a reasonable price.

I also bought these candles
2 for $25 at Bath and body works
The Holiday one smells really cinnamony and the Energy one is really mellow citrousy
Waiting to move upstairs to use these :D

We'll see what the end result will look like, hopefully its not too hideous O_O

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